10 March 2025
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Publications by Programme Director of TRoCA (click <www> to download fulltext)


1.      Mesgarzadeh AH, Abolfathi AA, Dastgiri S, Shaaker M, Vatankhah AM, Solehakahnamoiee S, Darabi M. Interleukin-1 beta, interleukin-6 and TGF-beta in follicular tissue of impacted third molars. Eur Cytokine Netw. 2011 Jul 5.

2.      Esmaeili M, Bonyadi M, Khabbazi A, Ebrahimi A, Sharif SK, Hajialilo M, Kolahi S, Dastgiri S. Common MEFV mutations in Iranian Azeri Turkish patients with Behçet's disease. Scand J Rheumatol. 2011 May 30. 

3.      Dastgiri S, Sheikhzadeh Y, Dastgiri A. Monitoring of congenital anomalies in developing countries: a pilot model in Iran. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011;164:157-61. <www>

4.      Fizi MAH, Mosaferi M, Dastgiri S,  Koosha A. Arsenic Exposure: a case study in Iran. Tabriz Medical Journal 2011; 33:25-31. (in Persian) <www>

5.      Finucane MM, Stevens GA, Cowan MJ, Danaei G, Lin JK, Paciorek CJ, Singh GM, Gutierrez HR, Lu Y, Bahalim AN, Farzadfar F, Riley LM, Ezzati M; Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group (Including Saeed Dastgiri). National, regional, and global trends in body-mass index since 1980: systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 960 country-years and 9·1 million participants. Lancet. 2011 Feb 12;377(9765):557-67. <www>

6.      Sharafkhani R, Dastgiri S, Gharaaghaji R, Ghavamzadeh4 S, Factors Influencing Houshold Food Insecurity Status, Food and Nutrition Sciences 2011, 2, 31-34. 

7.      Dastgiri S, Taghizadeh M, Heidarzadeh M. Early diagnosis and screening of congenital cardiac anomalies. Cardiology in the Young 2011, 21, 194–196. <www>

8.      Sharafkhani R, Dastgiri S, Gharaaghaji R, Ghavamzadeh4 S, DidarlooA. The Role of Household Structure on The Prevalence of Food Insecurity, Eur J Gen Med 2010;7(4):385-388. <www>

9.      Dastgiri S, Salehpoor F, Bigdeli A. An unusual time pattern of central nervous system anomalies in Northwestern Iran. Neurosciences. 2010;15(4):294. <www>

10.  Dastgiri S, Is there an outbreak of neural tube defects happening in Iraq? Saudi Med J. 2010 Jul;31(7):837. <www>

11.  Mousavi SM, Pourfeizi A, Dastgiri S. Childhood cancer in Iran. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2010; 32:376-82. <www>

12.  Leoncini E, Botto LD, Cocchi G, Annerén G, Bower C, Halliday J, Amar E,Bakker MK, Bianca S, Canessa Tapia MA, Castilla EE, Csáky-Szunyogh M, Dastgiri S, Feldkamp ML, Gatt M, Hirahara F, Landau D, Lowry RB, MarengoL, McDonnell R, Mathew TM, Morgan M, Mutchinick OM, Pierini A, Poetzsch S, Ritvanen A, Scarano G, Siffel C, Sípek A, Szabova E, Tagliabue G, Vollset SE, Wertelecki W, Zhuchenko L, Mastroiacovo P. How valid are the rates of Down syndrome internationally? Findings from the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research. Am J Med Genet. 2010; 152A:1670-80. <www>

13.  Dastgiri S. The eighth mistake of epidemiologists. Emerg Themes Epidemiol 2010, 6(6):1-9. (comment) <www>

14.  Taghizadeh M, Dastgiri S, Heidarzadeh H. Early diagnosis and screening of congenital heart anomalies. European Journal of Human Genetics, 2010 18: s58.

15.  A Malek, M Ghezel, N Ahmadiasl, S Dastgiri, DMZ Jassur, AM Nayebie. Influence of moon phases on serum level of sodium and lithium: a quasiexperimental study on rabbits. Biological Rhythm Research, 2010, 1–8. <www>

16.  Dastgiri S. Has Chornobyl explosion had an impact on structural malformations in animal populations?. Pediatrics 2010; 125: e836-e843. (comment) <www>

17.  Dastgiri S, Kalankesh LR, Heidarzadeh H, Tajahmad A, Rezaian E. A new registry of congenital anomalies in Iran. Journal of Registry Management 2010; 37 (1):27-29. <www>

18.  Dastgiri S, Bonyadi M, Mizani T. Prevalence of Genetics Disorders in the northwest of Iran. Urmia Medical Journal, 2010; 21 (4) :339-346 (in Persian). <www>

19.  Dastgiri S, Mosaferi M, Fizi MAH, Olfati N, Zolali S, Pouladi N, Azarfam P. Arsenic Exposure, Dermatological Lesions, Hypertension, and Chromosomal Abnormalities among People in a Rural Community of Northwest Iran. J Health Popul Nutr 2010; 28:1-9. <www>

20.  Alhashimi D, Alhashimi F, Dastgiri S, Fedorowicz Z, Nasser M. Blood transfusions for treating acute chest syndrome in people with sickle cell disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Jan 20;(1):CD007843.

21.  Mousavi SM, Zheng T, Dastgiri S, Miller AB. Age distribution of breast cancer in the middle East, implications for screening. Breast J. 2009;15(6):677-9. <www>

22.  Bonyadi M, Esmaeili M, Karimi A, Dastgiri S. Common Mediterranean Fever Gene Mutations in the Azeri Turkish Population of Iran. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2009; 14(1), 149–151. <www>

23.  Esmaily HM, Savage C, Vahidi R, Amini A, Dastgiri S, Hult H, Dahlgren LO, Wahlstrom R. Does an outcome-based approach to continuing medical education improve physicians' competences in rational prescribing? Med Teach. 2009 Nov;31(11): 500-6.

24.  Bonyadi M, Jahanafrooz Z, Esmaeili M, Kolahi S, Khabazi A, Ebrahimi AA, Hajialilo M, Dastgiri S. TNF-alpha gene polymorphisms in Iranian Azeri Turkish patients with Behcet's Disease. Rheumatol Int. 2009 Sep 23. <www>

25.  Dastgiri S, Stone D. Does Birth Weight Have a Prognostic Value for the Survival of Congenital Anomalies?, Birth Defects Research (Part A). 2009; 85: 242.

26.  Barzegar M,  Alizadeh A, Toopchizadeh V, Dastgiri S, Majidi M. Association of Campylobacter jejuni infection and Guillain-Barré syndrome: a cohort study in the northwest of Iran. The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics. 2008; 50: 443-448. <www>

27.  Dastgiri, S; Mosaferi, M; Fizi, M; Olfati, N; Zolali, S; Puladi, N; Azarfam, P.  Chronic Arsenic Exposure and Dermatological Lesions, Hypertension and Chromosomal Abnormalities: An Epidemiological Study. Epidemiology 2008, 19(6):S244.

28.  Eivazi-Ziaei J, Dastgiri S, Pourebrahim S, Soltanpour R. Usefulness of red blood cell flags in diagnosing and differentiating thalassemia trait from iron-deficiency anemia. Hematology. 2008, 13 (4): 2536. <www>

29.  Dastgiri S. Community genetic services for congenital anomalies and genetic disorders in the Northwest of Iran. Saudi Med J. 2008 May; 29(5):784. <www>

30.  Dastgiri S. "Case-Only Design". In: Neil Salkind (Editor), Encyclopedia of Research Design, SAGE Reference publication.

31.  Mosaferi M, Yunesian M, Dastgiri S, Mesdaghinia A, Esmailnasab N. Prevalence of skin lesions and exposure to arsenic in drinking water in Iran. Sci Total Environ. 2007 Nov 9; 390: 69-76. <www>

32.  Eivazi-Ziaei J, Dastgiri S, Sanaat Z. Estimation of the Diagnostic Value of Myeloperoxidase Index and Lactate Dehydrogenase in Megaloblastic Anaemia. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2007 Oct; 1(5):380-384. <www>

33.  Barzegar M, Dastgiri S, Karegarmaher MH, Varshochiani A. Epidemiology of childhood Guillain-Barre syndrome in the Northwest of Iran. BMC Neurol. 2007; 7(1):22. <www>

34.  Jodati AR, Nourabadi G.R.1; Hassanzadeh S, Dastgiri S, Sedaghat K, Impact of education in promoting the knowledge of and attitude to HIV/AIDS prevention: a trial on 17,000 Iranian students, International Journal of STD & AIDS, 18 (6), 2007, 407-409. <www>

35.  Hoseinikhorrami S, Dastgiri S, Bakhtari F, Tutunchi H, Epidemiology of food insecurity in the northwest of Iran, Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(4), 2007, 472-475.

36.  Jodati A, Nourabadi G, Hassanzadeh S, Dastgiri S, Sedaghat K, Impact of education on knowledge and attitude on HIV/AIDS prevention, Rawal Medical Journal: Vol.32, No.1, Jan.-June, 2007, 51-3.

37.  Dastgiri S, Sharifi-Mood SM. Retrospective or Descriptive study? Saudi Med J. 2007 Mar; 28(3):483.

38.  Poorasl AM, Vahidi RG, Fakhari A, Rostami R, Dastghiri S, Substance abuse in Iranian high school students, Addictive Behaviors ,2007, 32, 622–627. <www>

39.  S Dastgiri, H Tutunchi, A Ostadrahimi, S Mahboob, Sensitivity and specificity of a short questionnaire for food insecurity surveillance in Iran, Food and Nutrition Bulletin, March,2007, 55-58. <www>

40.  S Dastgiri, S Imani, L Kalankesh, M Barzeghar, M Heidarzadeh, Congenital anomalies in Iran:a cross-sectional study on 1574 cases in the north-west of country, Child: care, health and development,2007, 33, 3, 257–261. <www>

41.  S Dastgiri, R Mahdavi, H Tutunchi, E Faramarzi, Prevalence of obesity, food choices and socio-economic status: a cross-sectional study in Iran, Journal of Public Health Nutrition. 2006 Dec; 9(8):996-1000. <www>

42.  J Eivazi, S Dastgiri, J Majidi, J Vaez, I Asvadi, A Nikanfar, H Maljaei, A Feizi, Z Senaat, A Mahmoudpour, Epidemiology of human leukocyte antigen and esophageal cancer in the northwestern region of Iran, Diseases of the Esophagus, 2006; 19(4): 238-40. <www>

43.  Dastgiri S, Mahdavi R, Tutunchi H, Faramarzi E, Mahmoodzadeh F, Food choices and risk of obesity in Iran, Am J Epidemiol, 2006 163: s933.

44.  Dastgiri S, Ostadrahimi AR, Tutunchi H, Mahboob SA, Validity of a short questionnaire for food insecurity surveillance in Iran, Am J Epidemiol, 2006, 163: s185.

45.  S Dastgiri, "Case Only" design in healthcare research, Saudi Med J, Feb 2006, 128. <www>

46.  S Dastgiri, LR Kalankesh, N Pourafkary,RG Vahidi, F Mahmoodzadeh, Incidence, survival pattern and prognosis of self-immolation: a case study in Iran, Journal of Public Health, Oct 2005,1-5. <www>


47.  J Eivazi, R Dolatkhah, S Dastgiri, A Mahammadzadeh, Mohammadpourasl A, Asvadi I, Mahmoudpour A, Nikanfar A, Malgaii H, Gholchin M, Vaez J, Inherited coagulation disorders in the northwestern region of Iran, Haemophilia; 2005 Jul; 11(4): 424-6. <www>  

48.  S Dastgiri, LR Kalankesh, N Pourafkary, Epidemiology of self-immolation in the North-West of Iran, Eur J Gen Med; 2005; 2(1): 14-19.  

49.  Fattahia E, Ahmad Nezhad R, Ghand Chilarb N, Dastgiri S, Risk factors for significant upper gastrointestinal bleeding, The International Medical Journal. 2005, 4(2): 25-29.

50.  Eivazi ZJ, Dastgiri S, Role of Myeloperoxidase Index in differentiating megaloblastic and aplastic anemia, Indian J Med Sci; 2004; Aug; 58(8):345-8. <www>

51.  S Dastgiri, H Gilmour, D Stone, Survival of children born with congenital anomalies,    Archives of Disease in Childhood; 2003; 88: 391-394. <www>  

52.  Mahboob S, Karimi H, Aref R, Milani S, Dastgiri S, Plasma vitamin C and iron status during daily and weekly supplementation in pregnant women, Trends Clin Biochem Lab Medicine, 2003: 477-480.

53.  J Evazi, J Majidi, S Dastgiri, J Vaez, I Asvadi, Epidemiology of oesophagus cancer in the North-West of Iran, Tabriz Medical Journal; 2003; 36: 35-43 (in Persian-abstract is available in English).

54.  H Heidarnazhad, N Zendehdel, S Dastgiri, Longitudinal change in pulmonary function tests in mustard gas victims, a 10 years follow-up study, Eur Respir J, 2002, 20: 38.

55.  S Dastgiri, The epidemiology and prevention of neural tube defects: an exploration of available data sources, PEACH Paper No 15, 2002, University of Glasgow.

56.  S Dastgiri, D Stone, C He-Ha, H Gilmour, Prevalence and secular trend of congenital anomalies in Glasgow , U.K., Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2002, 86: 257-263. <www>

57.  S Dastgiri, An overview of the literature on the epidemiology and prevention of neural tube defects, PEACH Paper No 13, 2002, University of Glasgow.

58.  S Eghtesadi, R Amani, S Dastgiri, Assessment of growth pattern and nutritional status of urban 6-10 years old children in Isfahan city of Iran, Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition, (Supp 34), 1999.